

四位法国里昂商学院校友入围2023年Choiseul 100排行榜!

emlyon business school is proud to congratulate four of its alumni for their inclusion in this year's Choiseul 100 ranking: Bertrand de la Tour d'Artaise, Samuel Desprets, Antoine Burgermeister and Eva Sadoun have been recognised for their vision, leadership and ability to positively influence the French economy.

我们骄傲地宣布:四位法国里昂商学院校友入围2023年Choiseul 100排行榜!他们分别是Bertrand de la Tour d'Artaise、Samuel Desprets、Antoine Burgermeister和Eva Sadoun,对于他们的远见卓识、杰出的领导力和给法国经济带来的积极影响,我们有目共睹。

Choiseul 100

The Choiseul 100 is an annual ranking carried out independently by the Institut Choiseul, which aims to identify and promote leaders under the age of 40 who are shaping the French economy.

“Choiseul 100:明日经济领袖” (Choiseul 100:les leaders économiques de demain) 是由法国十大智库之一的Institut Choiseul独立统筹的排名,每年评选出给法国经济带来最大积极影响的100位40岁以下的青年经济领袖。

The emlyon alumni included in this year's ranking are inspiring examples of young leaders who have distinguished themselves through their careers and achievements. Bertrand de la Tour d'Artaise, a 2009 PGE graduate, is currently Vice President of Marketing, Innovation and Revenue at Albéa; Samuel Desprets, a 2008 PGE graduate, is Managing Director at Laboratoire Shadeline. Antoine Burgermeister, a 2010 PGE graduate, is Managing Director of the Burgermeister Group and finally, Eva Sadoun, a 2015 PGE graduate, is co-founder and President of Lita.co, a participatory financing platform dedicated to positive impact companies.

法国里昂商学院今年有四名校友入围Choiseul 100,这对来自法国里昂商学院的青年领袖们是莫大的鼓舞。Bertrand de la Tour d'Artaise,2009届PGE校友,目前是Albéa的营销、创新和收入副总裁;Laboratoire Shadeline的常务董事Samuel Desprets,也是2008届PGE校友;2010届校友Antoine Burgermeister则是Burgermeister集团的首席执行官;Lita.co,一个致力于积极影响公司的参与式融资平台,其联合创始人兼总裁是2015届校友Eva Sadoun。

We are proud to see our alumni distinguish themselves in their respective fields. Their recognition in the Choiseul 100 ranking is further proof of their potential as business leaders.

我们很自豪地看到我们的校友在各自的领域中脱颖而出。他们在Choiseul 100排名中获得的认可,进一步证明了他们作为商业领袖的无限潜力。