网购时代,塑料包装垃圾何去何从?Charlotte Darmet从零到一创立Opopop,助力环保!| Alumni Story
Charlotte Darmet
在这期新节目中,我们将走近Opopop的创始人Charlotte Darmet (2015年毕业于PGE项目),她致力于减少电子商务对环境的影响。在PGE学习期间,Charlotte还负责组织且参与了NOISE emlyon协会第一届社会企业挑战赛。
In this new episode, discover Charlotte Darmet (PGE 2015), founder of Opopop colis which aims to reduce the environmental impact of e-commerce. During her time at PGE, Charlotte participated in the organisation of the very first Social Business Challenge of the NOISE emlyon association in which she was involved!We are pleased to present the first 3 videos in our new series on the committed careers of our graduates. Find out what they have to say about change and how their commitment is reflected in their career paths.
在这期新节目中,我们将走近Opopop的创始人Charlotte Darmet (2015年毕业于PGE项目),她致力于减少电子商务对环境的影响。在PGE学习期间,Charlotte还负责组织且参与了NOISE emlyon协会第一届社会企业挑战赛。
大家好,我是Charlotte Darmet,2015年毕业于emlyon。我是Opopop的联合创始人,我们主要负责生产推广可重复使用和可退回的电子商务包裹,旨在减少在线销售产生的浪费。
What does your professional commitment mean today?
I have decided to put commitment and impact at the heart of my professional activity, I use the skills I learned at emlyon and in my professional experience to try to have a positive impact through my work.
What do you remember from your time at emylon?
My time at emlyon allowed me to test a lot of things through trips abroad, internships, associative projects, and it allowed me to develop this entrepreneurial spirit which is very unique to the school.
What is your best memory in emlyon?
My best memories at emlyon I think were within NOISE, which at the time was called Em micro-credits, it was really a great humane experience that we lived all together as a team, and one of my best memories at NOISE was the organisation of the first Social Business Challenge that we had launched our year, and so this is a great memory of the concretisation of a project that we had thought of from scratch.
A message for today's emlyon students?
My advice would be to courageous, be bold to act, and use your skills to make a positive impact.