就读emlyon给我带来什么?ChangeNOW创始人Santiago的创业与人生故事 | Alumni Story

Santiago Lefebvre
校友故事第三季-CSR第一期,我们有幸邀请到了ChangeNOW的创始人、法国里昂商学院2007届PGE项目校友Santiago Lefebvre,听他说说他如何将自己的信念和奉献置于其职业生涯的核心。
We are pleased to present the first 3 videos in our new series on the committed careers of our graduates. Find out what they have to say about change and how their commitment is reflected in their career paths.
ChangeNOW is the world's largest event for the planet. Its mission is to develop solutions and new models to respond to major environmental and social emergencies. Every year ChangeNOW find around 1000 solutions that are attacking the SDGs and bring together the investors, the mayors, city representatives, policymakers and general media, along with the corporate world because often there are great collaborations happening between big companies and start-ups, talent and citizens.
For example, there is a company in France called Jean Bouteille that sells refillable bottles and they managed to strike a deal with L'Occitane at ChangeNOW and now they are deploying in 25 countries.
In this first episode of Alumni Stories-CSR, Santiago Lefebvre (PGE 2007), founder of ChangeNOW, will tell us how he places his convictions and his commitment at the heart of his professional career.
例如,法国有一家制作可回收利用瓶的公司叫作Jean Bouteille,他们在ChangeNOW的帮助下成功地与欧舒丹达成了协议,如今他们已在25个国家发展业务。
校友故事第三季-CSR第一期,我们有幸邀请到了ChangeNOW的创始人、法国里昂商学院2007届PGE项目校友Santiago Lefebvre,听他说说他如何将自己的信念和奉献置于其职业生涯的核心。
I'm Santiago Lefebvre, I'm the founder of ChangeNOW, the world's largest gathering of solutions for the planet. And I'm from the PGE 2007 class.
我是Santiago Lefebvre,ChangeNOW的创始人,这是目前致力于解决地球问题的最大组织。我2007年毕业于PGE项目。
What does your professional commitment mean today?
My professional commitment today I would say is of the order of personal alignment, it's my several positions that I've managed to put together and finally that makes that what I do in life and what I do at work to have a positive impact is completely aligned. And very concretely, what I do is help entrepreneurs and solutions to scale up and to discover the flaws in the ecosystem that need to be fixed in order to have a faster transition.
What do you remember from your time at emylon?
emlyon, of course, you learn a lot of things there. I learnt a lot in the association life, I was president of the JE, and then also afterwards at the Corpo, but the experience was really something which developed me enormously in terms of leadership, which really gave me confidence in my capacity to act.
What is your best memory in emlyon?
Best memory at emlyon, there are many but how can I not talk about this one, I met my wife at emlyon, so if I have to say only one, it's that one.
A message for today's emlyon students?
If I had to share a message, it would be that of commitment and above all not to be afraid, I think that in fact, at the moment of embarking on a new adventure, whether it's a new job, a company, a partnership or anything else, we're always a little afraid that it's a choice that's there forever, in fact no, you always have to have confidence in your ability to bounce back, in your ability to change direction afterwards, and the main thing in all of this is finally to find a direction and take it.