合之道·访谈 | 对话意大利总统艺术遗产顾问路易·戈达尔 谈合作交流意义

Louis Godart
Cultural Advisor to Three Italian Presidents
Mr. Godart, an Italian archaeologist, has served as a cultural advisor to three Italian Presidents. He is an expert in Mycenaean archaeology and philology and the author of 29 books and 141 scientific articles on topics related to the civilizations of the Mediterranean.
David Gosset: We share the same passion for the Silk Road. I remember an exhibition where we cooperated together in the Italian Presidential Palace. As you are an expert of the Silk Road, I wanted to ask you why we could say that the notion of Silk Road symbolizes the spirit of cooperation and exchange?
路易·戈达尔: 很明显,我们正处于全球均势进程的开端,其中欧亚将发挥领军作用。中国预计在“一带一路”开展的十年内,沿线国家之间的贸易往来增长一倍以上,以实现年贸易额2.5万亿美元的目标。并且,非洲也会参与其中,显然非洲将得益于这样的交流,同时这也对世界和平,以及非洲自身的发展大有裨益。
Louis Godart: It is clear that we are on the beginning of a progress of the global balance, in which Eurasia will play a leading role. China predicts that within 10 years of "The Belt and Road Initiative", commercial ties between the countries positioned along the New Silk Road should more than double in order to reach a target of $2.5 trillion. Since Africa will also be involved, it will obviously benefit fromthese exchanges. It is extremely important for the peace in the world and for the promotion of Africa itself.
David Gosset: You mentioned "The Belt and Road Initiative" of President Xi Jinping, that he put forward in 2013. We can think of it as a very important strategy as a reinterpretation of the ancient Silk Road. And of course, as you were saying, this is about Eurasian continuities: the relationship between Europe and China, Europe and Asia, but this is also an Afro-Eurasian axis. It is very important, in the world in which we live, not to forget the African continent. Africa is a part of "The Belt and Road" Project. Also, as you know very well, China has another very important initiative, or I would say idea or vision, the vision of a community of shared future for mankind. This is also something that I believe we do not discuss enough outside of China, but this is a very important vision. How do you see the Chinese renaissance contributing to this community of shared future for mankind, beyond the fact that China is putting forward the concept, but in a concrete way?
路易·戈达尔: 今天的中国已成为一个能够影响全球经济的大国。中国的历史纵横千年,从中国的国际声望、璀璨文化和发展活力来看,在世界上的许多国家中,我认为中国是一个在许多方面都值得被效仿的范例。在21世纪的开端,中欧关系因其丰厚的历史和未来的机遇而进一步加深,这也能够解锁双方的潜能,实现共同利益,携手改变世界。15年前我到访中国,为钱皮总统的国事访问做准备。期间我与许多中国同事交流,他们对我说,“不难发现中意两国之间共通的文化与利益。因为我们曾是两大帝国的缔造者。”高教授,西方国家可以从中国文化中学到很多,同时中国也可以从欧洲文化中学到很多 。
Louis Godart: The China of today is a power able of influencing the world economy. Its history spans thousands of years, and along with its international prestige, its great culture and its dynamism, China is a country, which out of many in the world, is an example to me, imitated in many ways. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, China and Europe relations are strengthened by their history and future possibilities, which can unlock their dynamical potential and common interest in alliance to make a change to the world. When I was in China 15 years ago, preparing the state visit of President Ciampi, I had many discussions with Chinese colleagues who told me, "It is easy to find common culture and interest between China and Italy, because we are the producers of the two most important empires of the world". Western countries have a lot to learn from the Chinese culture, and China has a lot to learn from the European culture.
Confucius and Socrates are two monuments of the humanity. Let me take only a few examples to demonstrate how China was able to enrich Europe. Let me mention compass, paper, mathematics, cosmography, pharmacology. Let me mention, for instance, in 2015, the Nobel Prize for Medicine to the Chinese researcher, Youyou Tu, for her work on malaria. That means that across the extremely permeable boundary, south of the Ural Mountains, China, the Far East and the Far West, per millennium and millennium, had the possibility to collaborate. It is extremely important to say that Europe has been strengthened together with Asia, and the same for Asia.
David Gosset: Thank you very much. Because you talked about how China, the Chinese civilization, contributed for millennia to enrich mankind, now I would like to ask you an extremely difficult question. Do you believe in progress in the long-term? Again, with a focus on "long term" in mind. And if so, what is the role of collaboration for humanity to progress? I know it is a very complicated question.
路易·戈达尔: 高教授,我确实对进步有充分的信心。人类的所有故事都是进步的证明,从周口店洞穴内发现火开始,那已是150万到50万年前了。但作为历史学家,我总坚持一点,无论何时何地:进步的可能,是要归功于不同国家和民族之间的合作的。
Louis Godart: Professor Gosset, I do believe indeed in progress. All story of the mankind is the proof of the progresses realized from the time of the discovery of fire in the cave of Zhoukoudian between 1.5 million and 500,000 years ago. But as an historian, I always like to insist on one point, always and everywhere: progresses were possible, thanks to the collaboration between different countries and nations.
And this collaboration is only possible between us, between all the women and all the men of the world, blows a wind of peace. I think that Europe and China have to collaborate in a spirit of peace to demonstrate to all the other nations that peace is the only instrument to promote progresses.
David Gosset: When they are properly understood, cultures do not clash; they cross-fertilize. What does progress presuppose is the idea of collaboration. It has been true in the past. It is very true today. And you have urged us to collaborate to face the many challenges that we are facing all together. And it will be true for the future.
Louis Godart: Collaboration in a spirit of peace.