全球对话,共创未来 | 法国里昂商学院客座教授张晖先生在2025年慕尼黑安全会议与全球领袖共话“蔚”来


2025年2月15日,法国里昂商学院客座教授、法国里昂商学院全球商业智能中心顾问委员会委员、蔚来集团副总裁张晖先生出席2025年慕尼黑安全会议(Munich Security Conference 2025),并受邀参与德勤主办的圆桌讨论环节,与美国外交关系委员会主席、前贸易代表Mike Froman,Thyssenkrupp首席执行官Miguel Ángel López Borrego,以及汉堡港口与物流股份公司(HHLA)首席执行官Angela Titzrath等欧美全球领袖共同对话,探讨欧洲在全球变革中的角色与机遇,分享深刻洞见;同时,张晖先生在慕安会的边会上,与德国财政部长Jörg Kukis以及欧盟前执行副主席、贸易委员Valdis Dombrovskis就大众关心的重要议题展开深入讨论。




Global Challenges, European Solutions - Key Takeaways from #MSC2025

“Yesterday was a day full of meaningful discussions at the Munich Security Conference 2025, reinforcing one key takeaway: Dialogue matters more than ever.

In today’s world, geopolitical shifts, political changes, demographic trends, digitalization, and decarbonization are reshaping nations, industries, and economies at an unprecedented pace. These forces don’t just influence global security — they define the future of innovation, trade, and sustainability. But in the end, we are all in this together.

As a company with strong ties in China, Europe, and the U.S., we at NIO remain committed to open #collaboration. Engaging in conversations around these complex developments is essential — not just as a producer of smart #ElectricVehicles, but as a global player invested in #FutureMobility. That is why the Munich Security Conference is such a crucial platform for open and constructive discussions. Together with my colleagues, I was honored to contribute to this global dialogue.

I had the privilege of joining a Panel Talk hosted by Deloitte. Together with Miguel Ángel López Borrego (CEO of thyssenkrupp), Mike Froman (President of the Council on Foreign Relations), and Angela Titzrath (CEO of HHLA Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG), we explored how Europe can navigate its role between global powers while advancing its own strategic priorities. The discussion covered policy frameworks, AI regulations, and the implications of U.S. initiatives like “Stargate.”

Earlier in the day, I joined a private session with Valdis Dombrovskis (EU Commissioner for Economy and Productivity) and Dr. Jörg Kukies (German Federal Minister of Finance) to discuss Europe's economic resilience and regulatory landscape.

Days like this reinforce the importance of listening, learning, and engaging beyond the automotive industry. In times of rapid transformation, dialogue matters more than ever — and NIO remains a willing and reliable partner, ready to contribute to Europe’s transition toward a smart and sustainable future.

A special thank you to everyone who contributed to yesterday’s inspiring conversations. I look forward to continuing these important discussions. ”


在由德勤主办的圆桌对话中,张晖先生与Thyssenkrupp首席执行官Miguel Ángel López Borrego,美国外交关系委员会主席、前贸易代表Mike Froman以及汉堡港口与物流股份公司(HHLA)首席执行官Angela Titzrath共同探讨了欧洲在全球大国竞争中的角色定位及其战略优先事项。讨论内容涵盖政策框架、人工智能法规以及美国“Stargate”等倡议对全球格局的影响。

此外,张晖先生在2025年慕尼黑安全会议的边会上,与德国财政部长Jörg Kukis以及欧盟前执行副主席、贸易委员Valdis Dombrovskis就大家最关心的议题,比如欧洲重新拉回技术高地,如何减少官僚体制,提高效率,以及德国的财政政策,长期退休金资本证券化等议题展开了深入讨论。

张晖先生代表中国新能源企业提出了关于对电动车征收惩罚性关税的问题,并希望欧盟能提升中资企业在欧盟投资的政策稳定性。与德国财政部长Jörg Kukis的对话中,特别讨论了过剩产能的问题。Jörg Kukis明确表示反对关税壁垒,支持自由贸易和竞争,并对蔚来在德国的长期投资和技术中心的建立表示赞赏,蔚来已经在德国建立了三个技术中心和19座换电站。他也表示欢迎更多类似蔚来的企业继续在德国投资。




Global DBA (Asia Track)

科技发展日新月异,全球时局变化莫测,在这个充满不确定的时代,终身学习才是个人适应社会发展和实现个体发展的正确路径。法国里昂商学院全球工商管理博士项目 (GDBA) 深耕学术教育,通过实践性导向课程,辅以独特的产学研三重螺旋培养体系,旨在为商业领袖们量身定制了面对当下挑战的新方法、新思路,并肩前行,探索商业世界新奥秘,获取商战管理智慧,也为有志于个人转型和塑造个人IP的商业领袖们拓展了变革的道路。


张老师 Sunny Zhang

电话:+86 13611816887


俞老师 Vivian YU

电话:+86 18162333752



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