里昂亚洲新春寄语 | 王华:面向未来,拥抱充满变化与惊喜的2018!
Dear students, alumni, partners, ladies and gentlemen,
On the heel of a splendid Year of the Rooster, the auspicious Year of the Dog is upon us.
On behalf of emlyon business school Asia, I would like to first thank our students, alumni and partners for your support, and I wish you and your family a happy, wonderful new year!
回顾2017,是里昂商学院亚洲稇载而归的一年,更是飞升腾实的一年。从亚欧商学院的落成,第四届Global DBA课程的启动,Global EMBA 2016级学生完成法国游学模块,2017级新生入学,到与行业领跑者一同拓展体育产业EDP细分市场,无一不体现着里昂商学院亚洲勇于创新的创客基因。
2017 has been a great year of harvest and exciting growth. We have witnessed the completion of the new office building for the Asia Europe business school and the launch of the 4th Global DBA program. The class of Global EMBA 2016 completed their study tour in France, and the class of 2017 enrolled. We also kicked off the EDP Program for Global Sports Industry Leaders. All these successes have been driven by the daring, innovative early maker genes imbedded in the emlyon business school.
▲ 2017年9月,里昂-北邮GEMBA2016级学生在法国顺利完成海外模块学习
▲ 2017年9月,亚欧商学院2017开学典礼在上海隆重举行
▲ 2017年9月21日,由里昂商学院和国际非营利性创业加速器——Bigbooster创业加速营在上海举行
▲ 2018年1月,Global DBA 2017级博士学员在上海参加为期两天的课程
▲ 2018年1月,首届法国里昂商学院-维宁体育全球体育产业领袖项目毕业典礼在京举行
展望未来,全球化、数字化和人工智能正在重塑产业格局,同时也深刻地影响着我们的教学。作为一家面向未来的全球化商学院,里昂商学院将于2022年在里昂市中心,初步建成一个近3万平方米的全新“创客工坊”。同时,印度和南美校区也正在紧锣密鼓的规划建设中。在亚洲,我们将继续深耕本硕项目,拓展在高层管理项目的市场影响力,输送最前沿的商业管理知识,培养信息时代下具备全球视野的创客先锋(Early Makers)。
As artificial intelligence and new technologies restructure the economy for a digital, globalized future, they are also profoundly shaping the way we educate our students. As a future-ready global business school, we plan to build a brand new, 30,000 m² early maker hub in the center of Lyon. In addition, our plans for campuses in India and South America are also progressing steadily. Our priorities in Asia will be on continually cultivating our undergraduate and postgraduate programs and enhancing our profile as a leader in Executive Education, in pioneering research and training in management expertise, and in nurturing early makers with a global perspective in the Information Era.
Let us join hands as we embrace the exhilarating changes in 2018!