学生故事 | 金融硕士CP分享—双向奔赴的爱情,成为更好的彼此(下篇)


延续上篇的报道,在探索职业发展的道路上,2023届金融硕士专业毕业生刘思瑶和Arthur Toé分享了他们宝贵的经验和深刻见解。他们从个人定位、简历准备、面试技巧、行业知识、语言能力到心态调整,为即将步入职场的同学们分享了个人的经历。考虑申请金融硕士专业的同学,2024Fall申请还剩下最后4轮,预祝大家申请顺利尽快上岸!




  • 了解自己:在开始寻找工作之前,了解自己的技能、兴趣和价值观是很重要的。这将帮助你自己确定适合自己的职业方向和公司类型,并帮助你在面试中展现你的优点。
  • 准备好CV和motivation letter:CV和motivation letter是你和潜在雇主之间建立联系的第一步。所以有一份简洁明了、格式整齐的简历和一个能够吸引对方眼球的求职信至关重要。其次就是在准备CV和motivation letter时,一定要注意排版、语法和拼写错误等细节。
  • 运用多种招聘软件和渠道,比如 LinkedIn, indeed,jobteaser, RegionsJob等海量投递。
  • 练习面试:面试可能是找工作过程中最重要的一环。Emlyon的jobteaser上可以约mock interview,所以在正式面试前,有些模拟的经验会比较好。
  • 可以自己用一个excel表进行信息的track,这样会更清楚些。
  • 其次, 1. 行业知识 2. 语言能力这两点我认为是比较重要的。
  • 最后,我觉得就是多投递,然后多尝试,然后从失败中找到经验,摆平心态,不急躁,不对自己失望,受挫是正常的,工作都会找到的,但关键是你想走的那条路和行业是什么。
Arthur Toé

Knowing oneself and what one likes is crucial regarding choosing a career path to make sure to put oneself in the best conditions possible (size of the company or global environment).

One needs to answer this question as quickly as possible to make the right choice when it comes to preparing for interviews and looking for information about key aspects of a particular role/job.

Feeling as comfortable as possible in a new environment is crucial to develop, improving, and delivering.

Additionally, it is important to grasp information on key aspects of sectors that might be of interest to you. The best way to get these pieces of information is to contact people already in one field (through LinkedIn for instance) and schedule a call with some of them to ask your questions. Surprisingly enough, most of the people I have contacted were quite happy to spend time talking about their industry and their job. This point helps you obtain interesting information on the job and the industry, but also on the recruitment processes that can be changing depending on the type of job and the location.

A key point of interviews is also about logic and coherence behind your profile. Sometimes, interviewers (after a few rounds already) might even want to confirm that you are interested in the position and that your expectations are in line with the job. Hence, understanding a job description and browsing a company’s website or even contacting employees might be a great solution to link your interests with what the company can bring to the table.



对于我来说,我是在一家会计事务所的中国事务部从事accounting和corporate finance相关的工作,我觉得对于现在的我来看,我觉得最为重要的是兴趣,因为其实工作没有说非常高的难度。我觉得大家可能工作久了,工作其实都没有说是非常困难。我觉得那一份工作是你的兴趣,你所喜欢,你不觉得枯燥,你可以每天充满激情,很开心的去工作,我觉得这是最重要的。


Arthur Toé

I am currently finishing my internship as an equity analyst (buy-side). We are a team of four persons, working on two funds (French equities and European equities).

During this internship, I cover two sectors, the utilities sector and the energy sector. I started my internship by making an in-depth analysis of those sectors. Then I started focussing on analysing companies as potential investment prospects that I would present during investment committees.

The atmosphere was really positive and friendly, which is quite different from what we can hear and read about the Parisian finance place.


Arthur Toé

Regarding buy-side equity analyst or portfolio manager positions, positions are scarce, and people tend to keep those positions for quite a long time once they have an opportunity. The hardest part is to get the chance to begin this journey and to make sure to deliver to referred to gain a reputation.

There are many different types of asset classes, and crises are usually here to remind retail investors that beating professionals and beating benchmarks over a long period is a tough task. Assets under management keep growing globally with inflationary periods reminding everyone that not investing makes your purchasing power shrink as days pass. Hence opportunities should continue to rise. This sector is about being at the right place at the right time and not missing key opportunities. I have unfortunately no knowledge about this kind of position in China.


适合有自主性,创新能力强,early markers。录取标准我觉得还是以咨询emlyon的专业老师为主,他们都是非常专业的,而且非常热心的提供各种帮助,最后就是,学弟妹自己要在面试笔试环节做好准备。
Arthur Toé

To me, the only requirement is about motivation. As long as one is sure that he/she wants to work in finance, one can be a great fit. Of course, joining with no financial knowledge will require one to study harder in order to catchup, but this is achievable with organization and determination.


我觉得是包容与接纳,大家刚来法国会有culture shock和honeymoon阶段,各个阶段会有自己不同的感悟,但是我觉得去接纳与承认不同的存在,我觉得可能对我来说是比较重要的吧。








Arthur Toé
Knowing myself more (required to make the right choices), and professionalisation/taking responsibility (end of student life for me).
