学生故事 | 金融硕士CP分享—双向奔赴的爱情,成为更好的彼此(上篇)


“这世界有那么多人,多幸运,我有个我们。”本期校友故事是两位来自金融硕士专业的毕业生刘思瑶和Arthur Toé,因为emlyon相遇,同在emlyon成长。相互陪伴,成就更优秀的彼此。



Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant

我是高考考到了澳门科技大学工商管理专业BBA,上到大二后,转学去了法国一所商学院继续读工商管理专业,继续GBBA项目的学习,拿到本科学历后,在里昂校区继续MSc in Finance(Corporate Finance方向)的学习。

Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

Before taking part in the MSc in Finance at emlyon,I first did a master's degree in Finance at ESSCA business school in Paris,where it was more general,from corporate finance to econometrics.I then decided to take part in the MSc in Finance program at emlyon to focus on the quantitative aspects of finance and get some structured knowledge to get started with more advanced applied mathematics and coding.
In parallel,I also enrolled in the CFA program,for which I passed level 2 last November.


Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant


Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

We met during the very first class of the year,which was a strategy course.The teacher asked us to build groups,and my taitai was sitting on the row ahead of mine.So we just asked each other if we were willing to make a group together.And we also followed the first online statistics class together.
The first impression of my taitai was that she looked studious,and she would make a great groupmate.She also looks way more outgoing than other Chinese students.


Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant


Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

Because the school is part of the top 5 ranking in France,and the quantitative track seemed really attractive to me.The international seminars were also quite appealing even though one of these didn’t happen due to covid-related restrictions.

Corporate Finance方向课程设置

Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant

我选择的是Corporate Finance方面,我觉得学校的课程在第一个学期上比较偏重基础,之后的学期设置偏向于MA或者PE,或者之后走IB职业方向的同学可能会非常的适合,具体的课程从非常基础的Macro,Micro到valuation,M&A都有涉及。
Corporate Finance课程主要包括三个板块:筹资、投资和经营。

  • 在筹资方面,可以通过债券融资和股权融资来获得资金。债券融资可以通过贷款或发行债券来实现,而股权融资则包括股东注资或发行股票。不同的融资方式会有不同的成本,债券融资需要支付债权人利息,而股权融资需要给股东分红。因此,我们需要考虑设计一个合适的融资组合(资本结构),以降低融资成本并满足融资需求。在这方面,我们需要学习CAPM模型来计算股权融资的成本,以及计算加权平均资本成本WACC来评估融资组合。
  • 在投资方面,我们面临着不同的投资选择和项目。为了做出正确的投资决策,我们需要使用各种投资决策指标,如NPV、IRR、PI、PP、ARR、EAC、payback回收期和multiple-PE等。通过计算这些指标并根据判定规则,我们可以确定哪些项目值得投资和何时投资。
  • 在估值计算方面,我们需要计算企业价值和证券价值。企业价值涉及计算企业的内部价值,而证券价值则包括股票和债券的估值。为了掌握这些知识,我们需要学习常用的估值方法,如DCF模型(折现现金流模型)和静态估值法(如PE比率)。
通过学习这些知识,我们可以全面了解Corporate Finance领域的核心概念和技能,为未来的职业发展做好准备。

Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

Overall I think that every course of the second semester was really interesting,and the lecturers were of high-quality(practitioners and academicians).Coding projects were quite great(in R and in Python courses).I personally went from“never having launched R”to making my first machine-learning project on my own so I could see my own improvement during the semester.We were free enough to make it interesting for beginners and for more experienced coders.


Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant

我们当时有个M&A的case,我们组选择的是REIT的研究,由于课题比较困难,Prof.Jerome Bruthe因为他之前一直从事于这个行业,所以他在业余时间给了我们额外的知识指导和思路引导。

Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

I enjoyed quite a lot the classes with Mr TAVIN(Commodities markets course and Derivative pricing course)because he had a PhD,so he had some high-standard knowledge about academic studies and approaches,and at the same time,he had experience as a practitioner.This point,to me,is the best mix possible to make the lectures as enjoyable as possible and to get the most relevant answers from the lecturer.Besides,those classes were quite complete,from the basics and general knowledge to more advanced topics.Additionally,the derivatives pricing course was not only about theory but also focused on practical exercises during in-class sessions making it a very comfortable studying environment.
I would also like to mention R classes with Mr Coqueret,as I improved a lot,as previously mentioned.He turned the beginning of the learning experience,which can be quite painful,into something really enjoyable.He was also very open to answering any kind of questions regarding projects of professional orientation too.
What was interesting was that people had really different backgrounds.The cohort was international,with people from all around the globe.Most people had different interests and diverging ideas about what they wanted to do after the program,making it a great sharing moment.


Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

With no surprise,the trip to New York City was amazing.Program representatives and coordinators did a great job at maintaining the trip and finding alternatives even though strikes at the airport in Lyon were declared about a day before the take-off.The two hotels in New York were very well-located.The schedule was great,mixing interesting conferences on a plethora of topics(from how to do business in the US;to the history of NYC and even cryptocurrencies)and some free time to make it more enjoyable for everyone.There was also a session where we should pitch a company(startup)to its own executives,and that was pretty interesting to get some feedback from them as well.


Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant

学校有职业规划的课程,一直很注重soft skill和tech skill的共同发展,在校友资源方面也很雄厚,毕竟是前5高商,所以在企业招聘和校友资源方面我觉得是很大的一个优势。我参加过学校的career forum,并和HSBC,L’oreal,P&G等招聘人员有过交流。我觉得在就业这方面,学校是比较有优势的。

Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

There was a physical career fair during the year,which proved pretty handy for some of us.We also had access to the Job Teaser platform,which was quite active.
Additionally,it was possible to book 1-to-1 conversations with“career coaches”to get advice on career orientation,Resume writing/presentation,as well as having the possibility to practice for interviews.


Grant Thornton Luxembourg,International Direct Tax Advisory,Consultant
  • 增强金融的专业知识和技能:Msc in finance的这些课程将帮助我们了解金融的不同方面,增强的我们的金融技能,对金融市场有一些自己的小感悟,这些都会为我们之后在职场上的行走打下坚实基础。
  • 我们专业的老师们和课程设置都建于非常多丰富的实践经验,Msc in finance为我们提供实践机会,例如M&A case、Mazars,HSBC Challenge商业模拟等活动。这些实践经验将使我们能够将所学知识应用于实际情况,并提供处理商业问题所需的实用技能。
  • 与商业人士建立联系:里昂商学院的教师和讲师都是商业领域的专家,我们专业的学生有很多机会与他们建立联系,并从他们的经验和知识中受益。
  • 其次,我觉得我们的同学是有来自世界各地的学生。在这样的环境中学习,是可以提高提高我们的国际视野。这将对我们未来在国际商业环境中的职业发展非常有益。
  • 最后,我觉得对于我来说,是一个明确自己职业目标的过程,开始对金融行业的各项细分有所了解,知道自己的喜好,了解自己的过程。其次,学校在国际排名,教学方面,就业方面和校友资源方面,都会都职业发展有很大的作用。

Arthur Toé
Deloitte Luxembourg,Investment fund,Consultant

Taking part in this program helped to get through some screenings process and get some new opportunities due to the quite great ranking of the school and of the program.However,finding an internship or a job is not only about the resume but is highly dependent on how well one performs during interviews.The program provided the required knowledge to go through interview processes without having to do a lot of additional work to prepare for interviews.The program also helped me to start building a network,which is extremely important in today’s world.
The career courses are pretty interesting to help us getting started with out career,with workshops regarding the resume and motivation letters,as well as the possibility to schedule one-to-one interview with career coaches.
