Topics: Responsible AI
Time: 24 May 2022 (17:15 - 20:30, Paris time)
Auditorium - emlyon Paris campus; 15 Bd Diderot, 75012 Paris
Organizers: AIM, BIC, MSc in Digital Marketing and Data Science, MSc in Digital Marketing and AI Strategy
(Host: Anna-Regina Entus)
Prof. Isabelle Huault |
Anna-Regina Entus |
President of the Digital Club (Partner Manager at Google) |
Rim Laarif |
Keynote Presentation
(Host: POLIAKOVA Viktoriia)
Prof. Clément Levallois |
Dr. Tairan Wang |
Prof. Yeming Gong |
Interactive Round Table Discussion
(Host: Rim Laarif and ARCE GONZALEZ Eugenia Maria)
7:20pm-8:10pm (Paris time)
Competition about AI Ethics
Round table
■ Tairan Wang, IBM
■ Yuan Zhe, EU Erasmus program “AI and Education”
■ GUIDOUM Marouane, Fujitsu
■ Myung Hyun PARK, AXA
■ Xirong ZHANG, Voodoo
■ Anna-Regina Entus, McKinsey
■ Yeming GONG, emlyon business school
emlyon students, alumni, potential students, executives and managers from industry
AIM Association Ceremony
(Host: Rim Laarif)
8:10pm-8:30pm (Paris time)
Closing Speech & presentation of AIMA team.
Social Event(Host: Rim Laarif)
8:30pm-21:00pm (Paris time)
Cocktails and communication
Register Here
Alumni who are not in France can join the conference via the zoom link:
ZOOM 1:https://em-lyon.zoom.us/j/8245634311?pwd=YWo5UCtTU0lHUGRleCtkcTVaRkNEUT09 Code : 432818
ZOOM 2:https://em-lyon.zoom.us/j/91265494006