Register to our Employability World Tour webinars. An emlyon alumni world tour to meet our graduates and recruitment experts around the globe and learn from their international experiences.
emlyon alumni is truly a global and powerful network! No matter where in the world you go you can always find a group of emlyon Alumni that will welcome you with open arms. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in any of them.
To celebrate its 150th anniversary, emlyon business school calls on the ability to anticipate its alumni network and invites you to project yourself on the theme of the professions of tomorrow.
社会责任和可持续发展是里昂商学院的首要战略之一,2022年恰逢学校建校150周年,里昂商学院中国校友会发起150周年创客说 (emlyon150 Distinguished Speaker Series)——华北学生校友会ESG大咖分享系列,本期的主题是关于近期热议的碳达峰和碳中和,引领大家共同探索双碳政策下的机遇与挑战。
四处寻找求职机会的同学们,你们已经拿到了满意的Offer了吗?手上还没有心仪Offer怎么办?别慌!里昂商学院2022招聘来啦,赶在春节前,成为一名early maker吧!