从校园友谊到创立法国大型体育NGO组织, 为弱势青年开启成功之门 | 校友故事CSR系列

Philippe ODDOU & Nicolas ESCHERMANN
校友故事第四集将探索在学校长椅上诞生的友谊是如何变成一场创业冒险的。Philippe ODDOU 和 Nicolas ESCHERMANN (1994年管理学硕士项目毕业生) 分别是 Sport dans la Ville 的总经理和志愿者主席,该协会致力于帮助年轻人通过体育融入社会。
These are graduate courses in video-portraits, taking you to meet committed graduates all over the world and entirely filmed with their Smartphone!
This year's theme is aligned with the school's objectives: CSR, or how to develop a sustainable and caring economy, which rethinks its impact on the planet and includes women and men in all their diversity.
校友故事第二季第四集 | Alumni Stories S2 Ep4
Philippe ODDOU and Nicolas ESCHERMANN
Philippe ODDOU and Nicolas ESCHERMANN
校友故事第四集将探索在学校长椅上诞生的友谊是如何变成一场创业冒险的。Philippe ODDOU 和 Nicolas ESCHERMANN (1994年管理学硕士项目毕业生) 分别是 Sport dans la Ville 的总经理和志愿者主席,该协会致力于帮助年轻人通过体育融入社会。
In episode 4 of the second season of "Alumni Stories", with CSR as the common thread, discover how a friendship born on the benches of school, turned into an entrepreneurial adventure. Philippe ODDOU and Nicolas ESCHERMANN (MSc in Management 1994 graduates), are respectively General Managers and Volunteer Presidents of Sport dans la Ville, an association which helps young people to integrate through sport.
在Sport dans la Ville,有成千上万个关于成功的故事,少男少女通过参加我们体育中心的活动建立信心,发现他们所在社区以外的世界,并在我们的帮助下找到工作,或成为他们从不敢想象的企业家,这一切都令所有人十分满意!
We have thousands of success stories here at Sport dans la Ville. It is so satisfying when young people, both boys and girls, build confidence by joining activities at our sports centers, discover the world outside their own neighborhood, and find jobs with our help, or become entrepreneurs even though they never would have thought they could have what it takes!
We are France’s leading non-profit organization for social and professional integration through sports. We have 52 centers, 8,000 young participants, 250 employees and 6 support programs, from elementary school to working life.
这是一个关于友谊的故事。我和Nicolas是在学生时期认识的。我们都热爱运动,想要帮助弱势青年。我们坚信年轻人有能力获得成功,并结合创业精神将我们的影响力最大化,因此我们创建了“Sport dans la Ville”。我负责经营这个组织,Nicolas是志愿者主席。我们每天都交谈,建立起极具生产力的友谊。现在,我们的初心仍然很坚定:“没有付出就会失去一切!”
It's a story of friendship. Nicolas and I met when we were students. We both love sports, and wanted to help disadvantaged youth. We created Sport dans la Ville from our belief in the ability of youth to succeed, paired with an entrepreneurial approach to maximize our impact. I run Sport dans la Ville, and Nicolas is Volunteer President. We talk every day, and have a very productive friendship. The belief we started out with is still strong: “Everything that is not given is lost!”
If you or your organization have CSR stories to share,CSR projects to work together,please don't hesitate to contact us.
Contact Us 联系我们
Jessica Li 李老师
Associate Director of Alumni & Corporate Relations
Telephone: +8621-62608176
Email: yli@em-lyon.com