喜报 | 4名里昂商学院校友跻身全法最活跃的前30位天使投资人!

Pierre-Edouard Stérin,Bruno Rousset,Olivier Brourhant和Hadrien de La Tour
Pierre-Edouard Stérin,Bruno Rousset,Olivier Brourhant和Hadrien de La Tour:4名里昂商学院毕业生成为2021-2022年度30位最活跃的法国天使投资人之一。
Pierre-Edouard Stérin,Bruno Rousset,Olivier Brourhant和Hadrien de La Tour:4名里昂商学院毕业生成为2021-2022年度30位最活跃的法国天使投资人之一。
Pierre-Edouard Stérin, Bruno Rousset, Olivier Brourhant and Hadrien de La Tour: 4 emlyon business school graduates are among the most active French Business Angels.
Essential financiers in the start-up phase of a business, Business Angels are major players in the ecosystem of the French Tech.
They are the main leaders of French Tech: notable facts from this 2022 edition.
For this edition, the ranking is renewed by half: fifteen challengers who did not appear in the 2019-2020 edition came to demonstrate that investment in French Tech does not belong to a closed circle.
与2020年一样,Pierre-Édouard Stérin依旧位居前二,其次是Bruno Rousset,今年他登上了法国最活跃的天使投资人的领奖台,与去年相比前进了两名。
Pierre-Édouard Stérin, as in 2020, in the first two places, followed by Bruno Rousset who appears on the podium of the most active Business Angels in France, gaining two places compared to the previous edition.
Passion is the common motivation of all Top Business Angels. Their testimonies converge: if they invest in startups, it is because this activity allows them to join new entrepreneurial adventures, to contribute to developing the ecosystem in which they cut their teeth and to advance their knowledge. The taste for risk finally brings them together: in this economy nothing is a foregone conclusion and they know it.
2021-2022年法国最活跃的天使投资人排名 (4位里昂商学院毕业生):
Composition of the ranking of the most active Business Angels in France in 2021-2022 (4 emlyon business school graduates) :

Pierre-Edouard Sterin
Founder of Smartbox and Otium Capital
ESC Lyon, 1998
Average ticket > €500,000
Business Angel for > 10 years
80 M€ invested in 20 start-ups
Adore Me, Fabfort, Fefe, Clay, Katoo…

Bruno Rousset
Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Evolem
CPA Lyon, 1994
Average ticket > €500,000
Business Angel for > 10 years
17.6 M€ invested in 24 start-ups
Luko, Ocus, Feather, Beamy, Smartrenting…

Olivier Brourhant
CEO of Mantu and Managing Partner of Aonia Ventures
International MBA, 1997
Average ticket from 100 to 250,000 €
Business Angel for 2 years
5.2 M€ invested in 17 start-ups
Geev, SiS id, Weekendr, Ekwateur, Euveka…

Hadrian de La Tour
Founder and CEO of Adriver Group
ESC Lyon, 2013
Average ticket from 100 to 250,000 €
Business Angel for 5 years
2.6 M€ invested in 12 start-ups
Betonyou, Caocao mobility, CovWorld, Get Eden, Edusign…
The investments of these 30 most active Business Angels in France:
The total amount of investments of the 30 most active Business Angels in France amounts to 219.8 million euros in this edition. The typical profile of the top BA 2021-2022 has spent an average of 7.3 million euros to support the development of the digital economy, mainly in France.
The 30 most dynamic Business Angels in France made 784 investments in startups in 2021-2022, an average of 26 investments per Business Angel.
他们最喜欢的4个部门 (按降序排列) 是:
Their 4 favorite sectors (in descending order) are:
2.农业技术 Agritech
4.广告技术 Adtech
Congratulations again to the four emlyon alumni who made it into the 30 most active Business Angels in France! In them, we see the makers' quick action, foresight and innovative thinking ability. They integrate the "early maker" spirit into their personal values and shine their own light in the business field. We look forward to seeing more emlyon business school students with unique and innovative perspectives and approaches to solving world problems and shaping a better future!
Contact Us
Jessica Li
Associate Director of Alumni & Corporate Relations
Telephone: +8621-62608176
Email: yli@em-lyon.com