校友故事第二季: CSR | Bruce Roch: 如何通过增进影响力和集体智慧来一同携手创造更加美好的未来?

Bruce Roch
Bruce Roch是里昂商学院1996级管理学硕士项目毕业生。在这个影片中,Adecco包容性和多元化全球负责人兼法国Adecco基金会董事总经理Bruce Roch介绍了他在增进集体智慧和创造更美好世界方面的历程、使命和鼓舞人心的挑战。
These are graduate courses in video-portraits, taking you to meet committed graduates all over the world and entirely filmed with their Smartphone!
This year's theme is aligned with the school's objectives: CSR, or how to develop a sustainable and caring economy, which rethinks its impact on the planet and includes women and men in all their diversity.
校友故事第二季第三集 | Alumni Stories S2 Ep3
Bruce Roch
Bruce Roch是里昂商学院1996级管理学硕士项目毕业生。在这个影片中,Adecco包容性和多元化全球负责人兼法国Adecco基金会董事总经理Bruce Roch介绍了他在增进集体智慧和创造更美好世界方面的历程、使命和鼓舞人心的挑战。
Bruce Roch is a 1996 graduate of MSc in Management of emlyon business school. In this film, Global Head of Inclusion and Diversity at Adecco and Managing Director of the Adecco Foundation in France presents his journey, his missions and his inspiring challenges to strengthen collective intelligence and create a better world.
早在“CSR”这个词出现之前,我就选择了它,并服务于国际助残。在Adecco Group工作的15年里,我一直致力于各种重大问题:多样性、残疾、环境、人力资源的未来、团结、包容……我不认为我是公司CSR的管理者,这应该是每个人都需要关注的话题。我让利益相关者参与进来,并确保我的团队和我开发的工具是可转移复制的,适合每个团体的,这些是集体智慧的结晶。
I chose CSR long before the word existed! I began with Handicap International. And for the past 15 years at the Adecco Group, I have been working on exciting issues: diversity, disabilities, the environment, the future of HR, solidarity, inclusion… I'm not the custodian of CSR within the company, it is a topic for everyone. I unite people for a purpose, I engage the stakeholders, and my teams and I develop tools that are transferable and appropriate for everyone. My “thing” is collective intelligence.
我参与了多个商业协会的创立,比如法国多元化经理人协会 (French Association of Diversity Managers) 或“Tous en stages”项目,该项目为来自特殊教育领域的高中生提供联合实习机会。对我而言,没有哪两天是相同的,但每一天都充满了创新性和互动性,激情与能量,来自不同背景的人们,和能够号召全球行动的相遇。
I have been involved in the creation of several business associations, such as the French Association of Diversity Managers or “Tous en stages”, a program that offers joint internships to high school students from Priority Education Areas. No two days are ever the same for me, but they always combine creativity and interaction, with a lot of movement and energy, with people from very varied backgrounds, strong emotions, and encounters that become calls to action globally.
In the family sphere as well, I try to convey to my 3 daughters the desire to learn and to change the world, without taking themselves too seriously! I'm a fan of comic books, I play the electric guitar, and l even wrote a book! That is my diversity!
Contact Us 联系我们
Jessica Li 李老师
Associate Director of Alumni & Corporate Relations
Telephone: +8621-62608176
Email: yli@em-lyon.com