探访中国首家爱马仕之家,对话品牌百年传奇 | 华东学生校友会爱马仕参访报名开启
爱马仕之家 (上海市淮海中路217号)


在上海,法国艺术家Julie Stephen Chheng女士打造上海“爱马仕之家”秋季橱窗,呈现《探险奇旅》的诗意空间,焕新演绎爱马仕2021“和马史诗”年题。


An Hermès handbag, a craftsman, a week's time, pure handcrafting and almost demanding production requirements have given the world a century-old tradition of elegance. Hermès is known as a luxury at the top of the pyramid because of its superior quality and innovation based on her heritage.

Hermès invites French artist Julie Stephen Chheng to design its autumn window at Hermès Maison in Shanghai a poetic space entitled "Cyclops and Sirens", inspired by Hermès annual theme "An Odyssey".

emlyon alumni East China is delighted to invite you to join the company visit to Hermès Maison from 10 – 12 am on October 19th. Let’s learn about the cultural and historical development of the Hermès brand, feel the "tradition of sport and elegance created by leather products", and explore its new retail transformation.


  • 沉浸式体验爱马仕之家 An immersive experience at Hermès Maison
  • 互动式感受品牌文化与历史发展 An interactive journey of brand culture and historical development
  • 学习爱马仕人才战略 Hermès talent strategy


活动时间:2021.10.19 Tuesday 10:30-12:00
活动地点:爱马仕之家 (上海市淮海中路217号) Hermès Maison in Shanghai 217 Huaihai Middle Road, Shanghai
活动面向:里昂商学院老师、校友及合作伙伴 emlyon business school faculty, alumni and corporate partners


Limited seats, sign up NOW! (QR-code)


The application is secured upon receiving the

confirmation call / email due to very limited seats.



East China Alumni Network, emlyon business school connects all kinds of industry leaders from China, France and all over the world more closely, and creates an international platform of openness, sharing, lifelong learning, solidarity and mutual assistance with maker spirit for many alumni active in East China.